Chris & Chris
What was your ring experience like?
Girl Chris: Well, I wasn't involved in the purchasing process, but my experience with Honey Designs was perfect after the ring was on my hand! Chelsea gave me a jewelry cleaner, gift certificate for a manicure, and a photography session with an awesome local photographer. Some couples choose to use that for their actual engagement to capture the moment, but Chris and I chose to use it for engagement pictures that we then used for save the dates and our guest book. She also includes a year of insurance. Basically, Chelsea takes CARE OF YOU.
Boy Chris: It was very relaxed and easy. It was neat to work with Chelsea and see what I wanted come to life. I liked that I was able to drink a beer while I was doing it! Chris had told Chelsea what she liked, so Chelsea took that and incorporated it into what I wanted, too.
Why did you choose Honey Designs for your ring experience?
Girl Chris: I told Chris about Chelsea when she first started her business, and was so glad when he decided to meet with her the first time, because Chelsea is committed to the entire process. She knew what kinds of things I liked and was able to help Chris design something that was PERFECT. I know that Chris looked at brick and mortar stores as well, but was impressed with her integrity and how willing she was to work with him.
Boy Chris: I chose it because Chris told me to. (And because I like Chelsea and I felt comfortable working with her. But mostly that first thing.)
What surprised you the most?
Girl Chris: Ha! Chris and I do not keep secrets from each other, so I knew he was meeting with her even though I chose not to be involved. I guess I was just surprised at how unique it is, how lovely, how perfect.
Boy Chris: I would say Chelsea did a great job taking my unpolished ideas and coming up with ideas I wouldn't have even thought of, which is what I ultimately went with. That sounds like my biggest surprise was that Chelsea is good at her job... I was also very surprised at how incredibly reasonable the prices were. I wanted to tell her she made a mistake!
What do you love most about your ring?
Girl Chris: It's MINE! Like actually mine. Not just in that I own it, but in that it is unique, someone very special to me gave it to me, and it is just so Chris Dennis it hurts.
Boy Chris: What I love most about it is how much Chris loves it. It's unique and it's exactly what we wanted. It wasn't just the best of what was on a shelf.
How did you meet?
Girl Chris: Where all Chrises meet: a Christmas party! I asked to be introduced because his name was Chris and he was single.
Boy Chris: This feels like a quiz. But yes, Christmas party.
Where was your first date?
Girl Chris: We went to Keystone, home of delicious mac and cheese.
Where’s your favorite hidden gem in Cincy?
Girl Chris: THE AMERICAN SIGN MUSEUM. You must go. We are so excited to get married there. It's rad. Make a visit. You must. And admission is only $15!
Boy Chris: Nuvo in Covington. We ate there right after I proposed. It was the best meal I have eaten in my life.
What other local Cincinnati businesses do you love?
Girl Chris: Guru India off Buttermilk is my #1 most favorite thing in the world. I love Queen City Cupcakes, because Alexa is the coolest (and most talented). Emerson's Bakery has a few locations, and they are doing our donuts for the wedding. I love the mission and vision behind Carabello Coffee. There's a grocery store in Alexandria, County Market, that has the best grocery store cake I've ever eaten, ever. I know there are more but I can't remember. I also have an affection for the League for Animal Welfare, the only no-kill shelter in the greater Cincinnati area. (Not a business, but I couldn't NOT mention them!)
Boy Chris: Is it bad that I can only think of breweries and bars? Taft's and Mad Tree come to mind first. I love me some Jungle Jim's.
Favorite Way to Spend a Date Day/Night:
Girl Chris: This is impossible. I love a lot of things. Putt putt! Local breweries! Reds games! Indian Food! I also have a secret but strong affection for Max and Erma's. I'm outing myself, and I'm okay with it.
Boy Chris: We like to go on random adventures. We get into a car and go wherever the wind takes us that day. Also, Chris tries to talk me into going to Max and Erma's like once a week.
Girl Chris: The first part of his answer is better than mine. The second part is hilarious, because he hadn't read my answer when he said that.
Engagement and Wedding Photography by Amy Oliver