Should you sleep with your rings on?

I get this question from clients all of the time, and I always recommend taking any rings off at night. This was a great quick tip read from my private jewelry insurance I recommend to clients and thought it explains the reasoning perfectly.

Should you sleep with your engagement ring on?

by Laura Smith

You love your engagement ring. It’s your favorite piece of jewelry and you can’t imagine not wearing it. Ever.

If you want to keep your ring in tip-top shape, though, there are definitely a few circumstances in which jewelry experts recommend removing your bling.

Should You Sleep with Your Engagement Ring On?

It's best not to.

While sleeping isn't the most dangerous activity for your ring, better safe than sorry.

Sleeping with your engagement ring includes these risks:

  • Difficulty removing your ring in the morning due to swelling overnight

  • Hitting the ring just right on your bed or nightstand and cracking it

  • Scratching yourself or your partner, or snagging sheets or clothes, especially with a raised setting

Generally, the less often you wear your ring, the fewer chances there are for damage.

That being said, it can be less hazardous to wear your precious bling during low-risk activities if you’re forgetful or don’t have a designated place to put it. In those cases you may be more likely to lose it and the risks of removing it might outweigh the benefits.

Staying at a hotel for a night or two? It may be better to keep your ring on while you sleep, so that you don't forget where you put it the night before.

When you do take your ring off, always store it in a safe place. A ring dish, jewelry box or pouch will help prevent your ring from getting bumped or lost.

So tonight, before you tuck in, take off your ring, store it safely and drift off to sleep with peace of mind.

You know what else can give you peace of mind? Jewelry insurance because, well, life happens. See how much jewelry insurance could cost you per year by clicking the button below for a free quote. No personal information required.


The perfect excuse to find a cute ring dish to keep your ring in when you’re not wearing it!

The perfect excuse to find a cute ring dish to keep your ring in when you’re not wearing it!

Chelsea Mead1 Comment